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The large scale circulation plays a fundamental role in driving, or facilitating, extreme weather. Our past and present research include contributions to extreme weather from various dynamical processes. These include various aspects of Rossby wave dynamics, and jet stream dynamical regimes. Some of the research is part of the EDIPI project. 

photographs: Boaz Nemet

Select publications:


Submitted/in preparation:


Harnik, N. and V. Wirth, 2024: Quasi resonance in a leaky waveguide? Submitted to J. Atmos. Sci

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Wolfgang Wicker, Nili Harnik, Maria Pyrina, Daniela I. V. Domeisen, 2024: Heatwave location changes in relation to Rossby wave phase speed. Revision under review, Geophys. Res. Let.


Suresan S., N. Harnik, and R. Caballero, 2024: Extreme weather anomalies associated with merged Atlantic-African jet during winter. In preparation.




Harnik, N., G. Messori, R. Caballero, and S. B. Feldstein (2016), The Circumglobal North American wave pattern and its relation to cold events in eastern North America, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 11,015–11,023, doi:10.1002/2016GL070760


Sandler D. and N. Harnik, 2020: Future Meridional Wind Trends Through the Lens of Subseasonal Teleconnections. Weather Clim. Dynam. 1, 427-443.


Harnik, N., E. Galanti, O. Martius, and O. Adam, 2014. The anomalous merging of the African and North Atlantic jet streams during Northern Hemisphere winter of 2010. J. Clim. 27, 7319–7334.


Harnik N., Chaim Garfinkel, and O. Lachmy, 2016: ‘The Influence of Jet Regimes on  Extreme Weather events’. In, Dynamics and Predictability of Large-Scale, High-Impact Weather and Climate Events 2, 79. Ed. Li, J., R. Swinbank, H. Volkert and R. Grotjahn. Cambridge University Press


Messori, G., Caballero, R., Bouchet, F., Faranda, D., Grotjahn, R., Harnik, N., Jewson, S., Pinto, J.G., Rivière, G., Jewson, S., Woollings, T., Yiou, P. 2018: An interdisciplinary approach to the study of extreme weather events: large-scale atmospheric controls and insights from dynamical systems theory and statistical mechanics. Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc.,  99, ES81-ES85.


Garfinkel, C.I. and N. Harnik, 2017: The Non-Gaussianity and Spatial Asymmetry of Temperature Extremes Relative to the Storm Track: The Role of Horizontal Advection. J. Climate, 30, 445–464 

Harnik N., 2014: Extreme upper level cyclonic vorticity events in relation to the Southern Hemisphere jet stream. Geoph. Reas. Let.41, 4373-4380.



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