Stratospheric dynamics
Downward wave reflection: To study the propagation of stratospheric waves from the troposphere up to the stratosphere, and specifically, the downward reflection of some of the waves back down to the troposphere, we derived a wavenumber diagnostic, which separates out the index of refraction into its vertical and meridional wave propagation components. The diagnostic, which has allowed us to examine the role of downward wave coupling to the troposphere, is described in more detail here: Wavenumber diagnostic.
Further reading: Downward wave reflection presentation
A synoptic life-cycle view of wave effects: We examine the overall upward wave-coupling between the troposphere and stratosphere as an overall residual over many synoptic-time scale upward wave propagation episodes. The overall effect of each such episode is a residual of the wave "life cycle", due to nonlinearities and non conservative effects. One of the non conservative effects we consider is the radiative influence of ozone waves (Silverman et al, 2021, 2018).
Select publications:
Submitted/in preparation:
Hartig, K., N. Harnik and E. Tziperman, 2024: Evidence for upward but not downward influence between the wintertime troposphere and stratosphere. Submitted to J. of Climate
Weinberger, I., Garfinkel, C. I., Harnik, N., & Paldor, N., 2022: Transmission and Reflection of Upward-Propagating Rossby Waves in the Lowermost Stratosphere: Importance of the Tropopause Inversion Layer. J. Atmos. Sci., 79, 3263–3274,
Silverman V, S. W. Lubis, N. Harnik, and K. Matthes, 2021: A synoptic view of the early winter mid-latitude QBO signal. J. Atmos Sci. 78, 3759-3780
Baldwin, Mark P., T. Birner, G. Brasseur, J. Burrows, N. Butchart, R. Garcia, M. Geller, L. Gray, K. Hamilton, N. Harnik, M. I. Hegglin, U. Langematz, A. Robock, K. Sato, and A. A. Scaife, 2019: 100 Years of Progress in Understanding the Stratosphere and Mesosphere, Meteor. Monogr., 59, 27.1-27.62.
Silverman, V., Harnik, N., Matthes, K., Lubis, S. W., and Wahl, S. 2018: Radiative effects of ozone waves on the Northern Hemisphere polar vortex and its modulation by the QBO, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 6637–6659.
Lubis, S.W, Matthes, K., Harnik, N., Omrani, N.-E., and Wahl, S., 2018: Downward Wave Coupling between the Stratosphere and Troposphere under Future Anthropogenic Climate Change. J.Clim, 31, 4135-4155.
Lubis, S. W., Silverman, V., Matthes, K., Harnik, N., Omrani, N.-E., and Wahl, S., 2017: How does downward planetary wave coupling affect polar stratospheric ozone in the Arctic winter stratosphere? Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 2437-2458.
Lubis, S. W., K. Matthes, N-E Omrani, N. Harnik and S Wahl, 2016: Influence of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation and Sea Surface Temperature Variability on Downward Wave Coupling in the Northern Hemisphere. J. Atmos. Sci, 73, 1943-1965
Shaw, T. A., J. Perlwitz, N. Harnik, P. A. Newman, and S. Pawson, 2011: The impact of stratospheric ozone changes on downward wave coupling in the Southern Hemisphere. J. Clim., 24, 4210-4229
Harnik, N., J. Perlwitz and T. A. Shaw, 2011: Observed decadal changes in downward wave coupling between the stratosphere and troposphere in the Southern Hemisphere. J. Clim., 24, 4558-4569.
Shaw, T. A., J. Perlwitz and N. Harnik, 2010: Downward wave coupling between the statosphere and troposphere: The importance of meridional wave guiding and comparison with zonal-mean coupling. J. Climate, 23, 6365-6381.
Harnik, N., 2009: Observed stratospheric downward reflection and its relation to upward pulses of wave activity. J. Geophys. Res. 114, D08120, doi:10.1029/2008JD010493.
Harnik N., R, K. Scott, and J. Perlwitz, 2005: Wave reflection and focusing prior to the major stratospheric warming of September 2002. JAS 62, 640-650.
Perlwitz, J., and N. Harnik, 2004. Downward coupling between the stratosphere and troposphere: The relative roles of wave and zonal mean processes. J. Clim. 17, 4902-4909
Perlwitz, J., and N. Harnik, 2003: Observational Evidence of a Stratospheric Influence on the Troposphere by Planetary Wave Reflection. J. Clim 16 3011-3026.
Harnik, N., 2002: The evolution of a stratospheric wave packet. JAS 59, 202-217.
Harnik, N., and R. S. Lindzen, 2001: The effect of reflecting surfaces on the vertical structure and variability of stratospheric planetary waves. JAS 58, 2872-2894.